How To Adjust Hunter Sprinkler Heads (Complete Rotary Sprinkler Adjustment Guide)

Adjusting Hunter Sprinkler Heads is a straightforward process that can be done with or without water. There are multiple methods for adjusting the spray radius and arc of the sprinkler heads.

Method 1 involves using a Hunter wrench key to adjust the radius. By inserting the hex end of the key into the radius reduction screw, you can turn it clockwise to decrease the radius or counterclockwise to increase it. The radius can be adjusted until the desired coverage is achieved. If the desired radius cannot be achieved, changing the nozzle to a bigger or smaller one can help.

Method 2 is another option. It requires locating the nozzle by finding the arrow on top of the sprinkler cap and inserting the Hunter wrench key into the pull-up socket. By twisting the key and pulling up on the socket, the sprinkler head can be adjusted to change the arc distance. The left and right stop points of the arc can be determined by twisting the head to the left and right. The sprinkler head can then be twisted to the right to set the right stop point. The arc can be adjusted by using the Hunter wrench key in the plus/minus arc adjustment slot on the cap. Turning the key clockwise will widen the arc, while counterclockwise will shorten it. The adjustment should be checked by turning the sprinkler head to the right and left to ensure the stop points are correct.

Method 3 involves changing the nozzle to adjust the radius. By inserting the key end of the Hunter wrench key into the pull-up socket and turning it 90 degrees, you can access the nozzle socket. You can then turn the nozzle screw counterclockwise to uncover the nozzle and turn on the water to push out the old nozzle. A larger nozzle can be installed for higher precipitation, while a smaller nozzle can be used for lower precipitation.

Method 4 focuses on adjusting spray sprinklers. You can turn on the sprinkler to observe the spray pattern and adjust it accordingly. By turning the sprayer to the right stop point, the water spray can be directed towards the desired area. The arc of the spray can be adjusted by twisting the nozzle clockwise to decrease it and counterclockwise to increase it. The radius can be adjusted by turning the nozzle screw clockwise to decrease it or counterclockwise to increase it.

Overall, these methods provide a comprehensive guide for adjusting Hunter Sprinkler Heads to achieve the desired coverage and watering needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adjust Hunter Sprinkler Heads using various methods such as using a Hunter wrench key and changing the nozzle.
  • Method 1: Adjust the radius by turning the radius reduction screw with a Hunter wrench key.
  • Method 2: Adjust the arc by locating the nozzle and using the Hunter wrench key to determine stop points and adjust the arc distance.
  • Method 3: Change the nozzle to adjust the radius and achieve the desired precipitation.
  • Method 4: Adjust spray sprinklers by observing the spray pattern, directing the water spray, and adjusting the arc and radius as needed.

Using Method 1: Adjusting Radius with a Hunter Wrench Key

Method 1 involves using a Hunter wrench key to adjust the radius of the sprinkler head. This method is convenient and easy to follow. By inserting the hex end of the key into the radius reduction screw, I can make adjustments to the radius according to my needs.

To decrease the radius, I simply turn the radius reduction screw clockwise using the Hunter wrench key. Conversely, by turning it counterclockwise, I can increase the radius. By making these adjustments, I can achieve the desired coverage and watering needs for my lawn.

If I find that I cannot achieve the desired radius with this method, there is another option. By changing the nozzle to a bigger or smaller one, I can further optimize the sprinkler head’s performance. This flexibility allows for more precise adjustments and ensures efficient water distribution.

Method 1: Adjusting Radius with a Hunter Wrench Key
Insert the Hunter wrench key into the radius reduction screw.
Turn the key clockwise to decrease the radius or counterclockwise to increase it.
Adjust the radius until the desired coverage is achieved.
If the desired radius cannot be achieved, consider changing the nozzle to a bigger or smaller one.

Using Method 2: Adjusting Arc with a Hunter Wrench Key

Method 2 is another option for adjusting Hunter sprinkler heads, focusing on adjusting the arc distance. This method requires locating the nozzle and using the Hunter wrench key to make the necessary adjustments. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you adjust the arc of your Hunter sprinkler heads:

  1. Begin by finding the arrow on top of the sprinkler cap. This arrow indicates the location of the nozzle.
  2. Insert the Hunter wrench key into the pull-up socket on the cap, then twist the key and pull up on the socket. This action will raise the sprinkler head, allowing access to the nozzle and adjustment mechanisms.
  3. To determine the left and right stop points of the arc, twist the sprinkler head to the left and right. This will help you visualize the full range of motion for the sprinkler head.
  4. Once you have determined the left stop point, twist the sprinkler head to the right to set the right stop point.
  5. Now, you can adjust the arc by using the Hunter wrench key in the plus/minus arc adjustment slot on the cap. Turning the key clockwise will widen the arc, while turning it counterclockwise will shorten the arc.
  6. After making the adjustments, it’s important to check the sprinkler head’s performance. Turn the sprinkler head to the right and left to ensure that it is reaching the desired areas and stopping at the correct points.

Remember, adjusting the arc of your Hunter sprinkler heads is crucial for ensuring optimal coverage and efficient watering. By following the steps outlined in Method 2, you’ll be able to fine-tune the arc distance to meet your specific lawn and garden needs.

Example Quote:

“Properly adjusting the arc of your Hunter sprinkler heads is essential for achieving uniform irrigation coverage. Method 2, using the Hunter wrench key, allows you to precisely control the arc distance and ensure that the water reaches every corner of your lawn.”

Example Table:

Nozzle Size Precipitation Rate (inches per hour)
Red (0.60) 0.25
Yellow (0.45) 0.40
Green (0.35) 0.60

In summary, Method 2 provides an effective way to adjust the arc of your Hunter sprinkler heads. By using the Hunter wrench key and following the step-by-step guide, you can easily customize the arc distance to ensure efficient irrigation and even coverage throughout your lawn.

Using Method 3: Changing Nozzles for Radius Adjustment

Method 3 involves changing the nozzle of the Hunter sprinkler head to achieve the desired radius. By adjusting the nozzle size, you can control the amount of water that is being sprayed and therefore adjust the coverage radius of the sprinkler.

To begin, insert the key end of the Hunter wrench key into the pull-up socket of the sprinkler head. Turn the key 90 degrees to access the nozzle socket. Once the nozzle socket is exposed, you can turn the nozzle screw counterclockwise to uncover the nozzle.

With the nozzle uncovered, you can now turn on the water supply to the sprinkler. The water pressure will push out the old nozzle. If you want to increase the radius and precipitation of the sprinkler, you can install a larger nozzle. Conversely, if you want to decrease the radius and precipitation, you can install a smaller nozzle.

After installing the desired nozzle, turn off the water supply. To ensure proper adjustment, it is recommended to test the sprinkler and observe the coverage area. If necessary, you can make further adjustments by changing the nozzle size until you achieve the desired radius and precipitation for your lawn or garden.

Table: Nozzle Sizes and Resulting Radius

Nozzle Size Radius
1.5 GPM 10 feet
2.0 GPM 15 feet
3.0 GPM 20 feet

By referring to the table above, you can select the appropriate nozzle size based on your desired coverage radius. Remember, adjusting the nozzle size can have an impact on the overall water usage and precipitation, so choose wisely based on your specific needs.

With the nozzle adjustment method, you have the ability to fine-tune the radius of your Hunter sprinkler head to ensure efficient watering of your lawn or garden. This method is especially useful when you want to achieve precise coverage in specific areas or if you need to modify the radius due to changes in landscaping or plant growth. Continuously monitor and adjust the nozzle size as needed to maintain optimal sprinkler performance and water conservation.

Adjusting Spray Sprinklers for Desired Coverage

Method 4 focuses on adjusting spray sprinklers to achieve the desired coverage and watering needs. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your lawn or garden receives the right amount of water.

1. Observing the spray pattern: Turn on the sprinkler and observe the spray pattern. Take note of any areas that are not receiving adequate coverage.

2. Adjusting the sprayer: To direct the water spray towards the desired area, turn the sprayer to the right stop point. This will ensure that the water is targeted where it is needed the most.

3. Adjusting the arc: To adjust the arc distance of the spray, use the Hunter wrench key in the plus/minus arc adjustment slot on the cap. Turning the key clockwise will widen the arc, while counterclockwise will shorten it. Make sure to check the adjustment by turning the sprinkler head to the right and left to ensure the stop points are correct.

4. Adjusting the radius: The radius of the spray can be adjusted by turning the nozzle screw clockwise to decrease it or counterclockwise to increase it. This will help you achieve the desired coverage for your lawn or garden.

Remember, proper adjustment of spray sprinklers is essential for optimal watering. By following these steps, you can ensure that every corner of your lawn or garden receives the right amount of water, promoting healthy growth and lush greenery.

Step Description
1 Observe the spray pattern and identify areas that need adjustment.
2 Turn the sprayer to the right stop point to direct the water spray towards the desired area.
3 Use the Hunter wrench key to adjust the arc distance of the spray by twisting it in the plus/minus arc adjustment slot on the cap.
4 Adjust the radius of the spray by turning the nozzle screw clockwise to decrease it or counterclockwise to increase it.

Tips for Optimal Sprinkler Head Adjustment

In addition to the adjustment methods mentioned above, here are some tips for achieving optimal sprinkler head adjustment.

1. Regular Maintenance: It is essential to regularly inspect and maintain your Hunter sprinkler heads to ensure they are functioning properly. Check for any clogs, debris, or damage that may affect the spray pattern or coverage. Clean or replace any clogged nozzles to maintain optimal water flow and distribution.

2. Adjust in Ideal Conditions: It is best to adjust your sprinkler heads when the ground is not wet to avoid muddying the area or causing damage. Adjusting the heads in dry conditions allows for better observation of the spray pattern and ensures accurate adjustments for desired coverage.

3. Test and Observe: After making any adjustments, it is important to test the sprinkler heads by activating the system and observing the spray pattern. Take note of any areas that are not receiving adequate coverage or areas that are being over-watered. This will help identify any further adjustments that may be necessary.

4. Consider Water Pressure: Water pressure plays a crucial role in sprinkler head performance and coverage. If you are experiencing low water pressure, you may need to adjust the radius and arc accordingly. Increasing the radius and widening the arc can help compensate for low pressure, while decreasing both can be beneficial for high-pressure situations.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Using a Hunter wrench key – Easy to use and adjust – Limited range of adjustment
Adjusting arc with a Hunter wrench key – Accurate adjustment of arc distance – Requires locating the nozzle and determining stop points
Changing nozzles for radius adjustment – Allows for precise adjustment of the radius – Requires nozzle replacement
Adjusting spray sprinklers for desired coverage – Can be easily customized for specific areas – Limited spray range

By following these tips and utilizing the various adjustment methods, you can ensure that your Hunter sprinkler heads are correctly adjusted for optimal performance. Remember to regularly check and maintain your sprinkler system to prevent any issues and keep your lawn looking healthy and lush.


Adjusting Hunter sprinkler heads is essential for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. By following the various methods outlined in this guide, you can easily adjust the spray radius and arc of the sprinkler heads to ensure efficient and effective watering.

Method 1 involves using a Hunter wrench key to adjust the radius. By turning the radius reduction screw, you can increase or decrease the spray radius until the desired coverage is achieved. If necessary, changing the nozzle can further fine-tune the radius.

Method 2 focuses on adjusting the arc of the sprinkler heads. By locating the nozzle and using the Hunter wrench key to twist the head, you can adjust the arc distance and determine the left and right stop points. The arc can be widened or shortened by using the arc adjustment slot on the cap.

Method 3 offers the option of changing the nozzle to adjust the spray radius. By accessing the nozzle socket with the Hunter wrench key, you can replace the nozzle with a larger or smaller one to achieve the desired precipitation rate.

Lastly, Method 4 is applicable for adjusting spray sprinklers. By observing the spray pattern and adjusting the orientation of the sprayer, you can direct the water spray towards the desired area. The arc and radius can be further adjusted by twisting the nozzle screw.

By utilizing these methods, you can ensure that your Hunter sprinkler heads are properly adjusted to meet your lawn’s watering needs. Regular maintenance and adjustment will result in a lush and thriving landscape.


Q: Can I adjust Hunter sprinkler heads without water?

A: Yes, you can adjust Hunter sprinkler heads with or without water.

Q: How do I adjust the radius of a Hunter sprinkler head?

A: To adjust the radius, insert the hex end of a Hunter wrench key into the radius reduction screw and turn it clockwise to decrease the radius or counterclockwise to increase it. If the desired radius cannot be achieved, changing the nozzle can help.

Q: How do I adjust the arc of a Hunter sprinkler head?

A: Use a Hunter wrench key to adjust the arc of a Hunter sprinkler head. Find the arrow on top of the sprinkler cap, insert the key into the pull-up socket, and twist it while pulling up to adjust the arc distance. The left and right stop points of the arc can be determined by twisting the head to the left and right.

Q: How do I change the nozzle of a Hunter sprinkler head?

A: Insert the key end of a Hunter wrench key into the pull-up socket and turn it 90 degrees to access the nozzle socket. Turn the nozzle screw counterclockwise to uncover the nozzle, and turn on the water to push out the old nozzle. Install a larger nozzle for higher precipitation or a smaller nozzle for lower precipitation.

Q: How do I adjust spray sprinklers for desired coverage?

A: Turn on the sprinkler to observe the spray pattern and adjust it accordingly. By turning the sprayer to the right stop point, you can direct the water spray towards the desired area. Adjust the arc by twisting the nozzle clockwise to decrease it or counterclockwise to increase it. The radius can be adjusted by turning the nozzle screw clockwise to decrease it or counterclockwise to increase it.

Q: Are there any tips for optimal sprinkler head adjustments?

A: Yes, here are some tips for optimal sprinkler head adjustment: regularly check and maintain your sprinkler heads, ensure proper alignment and coverage, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

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