How to Turn a Lawn Sprinkler System Back on in the Spring

Are you struggling with how to turn on your sprinkler system after a long winter? Follow my simple step-by-step guide to ensure your lawn stays lush and green this spring.

To turn on a lawn sprinkler system in the spring, it is important to turn on the water slowly to avoid damaging the system. Start by locating the system’s shutoff valve, which is usually a lever-type handle in the basement or crawl space. If there is no shutoff valve inside, check the sprinkler system valve boxes around the yard. The vacuum breaker fitting, located near the house, should have two test valves that need to be turned about 45 degrees. Open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker, ensuring the handles are parallel to the pipes. Some shutoff valves may have a bleeder nipple, which should be checked for leaks. Slowly open the main shutoff valve to let water into the system. Set the system timer to run a manual test of all the sprinkler zones, making note of any problems. Inspect each valve box in the ground and check for leaking valves. Make any necessary adjustments, such as adjusting spray patterns or replacing damaged sprinkler heads. Set the system timer for the first watering. It is recommended to water at night or early in the morning for the most water efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turn on the water slowly to avoid damaging the system.
  • Locate the shutoff valve, either in the basement or crawl space, or in the sprinkler system valve boxes.
  • Open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker and slowly open the main shutoff valve.
  • Test each sprinkler zone and inspect valve boxes for leaks.
  • Make necessary adjustments to the system, such as adjusting spray patterns or replacing damaged sprinkler heads.
  • Set the system timer for the first watering and water at night or early in the morning for water efficiency.

Locating and Preparing the System

Before you can start your sprinkler system, it’s important to locate the shutoff valve and check for a vacuum breaker fitting. The shutoff valve is typically a lever-type handle found in the basement or crawl space of your home. If it is not located inside, you can check the sprinkler system valve boxes scattered around your yard. These boxes are usually buried in the ground and contain the valves that control the water flow to the sprinklers.

To ensure the proper functioning of your sprinkler system, it is crucial to have a vacuum breaker fitting. This fitting is usually located near the house and is designed to prevent backflow contamination. It has two test valves that need to be turned about 45 degrees to enable the sprinkler system. By turning these valves, you will allow water to flow freely through the system without any obstructions.

Once you have located the shutoff valve and checked for the vacuum breaker fitting, it’s time to prepare the system for activation. Open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker by turning the handles parallel to the pipes. Some shutoff valves may also have a bleeder nipple that needs to be checked for any leaks. Slowly open the main shutoff valve to let water into the system, ensuring a gradual flow to prevent any damage.

Preparing the System – Step by Step:

  1. Locate the shutoff valve, which is typically found in the basement or crawl space.
  2. If there is no shutoff valve inside, check the sprinkler system valve boxes around your yard.
  3. Locate the vacuum breaker fitting near your house.
  4. Turn the two test valves on the vacuum breaker fitting 45 degrees.
  5. Open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker by aligning the handles with the pipes.
  6. Check the bleeder nipple, if present, for any leaks.
  7. Slowly open the main shutoff valve to allow water into the system.

With the shutoff valve located and the vacuum breaker fitting prepared, your sprinkler system is now ready to be activated. The next section will guide you through the process of opening the system valves and testing the various zones to ensure proper functioning.

Key Steps Details
Locate Shutoff Valve Typically found in the basement or crawl space, the shutoff valve is a lever-type handle that controls water flow to the sprinkler system.
Check for Vacuum Breaker Fitting Ensure your system has a vacuum breaker fitting, which prevents backflow contamination. This fitting will have two test valves that need to be turned about 45 degrees.
Open Shutoff Valves Turn the handles on the vacuum breaker’s shutoff valves parallel to the pipes to allow water flow through the system. Check for any bleeder nipple leaks.
Open Main Shutoff Valve Slowly open the main shutoff valve to let water into the sprinkler system, ensuring a gradual flow to prevent damage.

Opening the System Valves

Once you’ve located the shutoff valve and vacuum breaker fitting, it’s time to open the system valves and allow water to flow into the sprinkler system. This step is crucial in activating your lawn sprinkler system for the spring season.

To begin, check the vacuum breaker fitting near the house. This fitting typically has two test valves that need to be turned about 45 degrees to enable the flow of water. Make sure the handles are parallel to the pipes for proper alignment.

In some cases, shutoff valves may also have a bleeder nipple. Ensure this nipple is checked for any leaks, as it could indicate potential issues with the system.

Steps to Open the System Valves
1. Locate the vacuum breaker fitting near the house.
2. Turn the test valves on the vacuum breaker fitting about 45 degrees.
3. Check for any leaks from the bleeder nipple on the shutoff valves.

Now, it’s time to slowly open the main shutoff valve to allow water into the sprinkler system. This should be done gradually to prevent any sudden pressure surges that could potentially damage the system. Once the main shutoff valve is fully open, water will start flowing through the system, ready to be distributed to each sprinkler zone.

Remember to set the system timer to run a manual test of all the sprinkler zones. This will help you identify any issues or problems that need to be addressed, such as malfunctioning sprinkler heads or uneven spray patterns. Take note of any necessary adjustments or repairs you may need to make.

Inspecting Valve Boxes

As part of the system activation process, it’s important to inspect each valve box in the ground for any leaking valves. Carefully remove the lid of each valve box and visually inspect the valves inside. If you notice any leaking or damaged valves, they may need to be repaired or replaced.

Make any necessary adjustments to your sprinkler system, such as adjusting the spray patterns to ensure proper coverage and preventing water waste. Replace any damaged sprinkler heads that may have been affected during the winter months.

Finally, set your system timer for the first watering of the season. It is recommended to schedule watering at night or early in the morning when evaporation is minimal, promoting water efficiency. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and well-maintained sprinkler system for a beautiful lawn all season long.


  1. Locate and open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker fitting.
  2. Check for leaks from the bleeder nipple on the shutoff valves.
  3. Slowly open the main shutoff valve to let water into the system.
  4. Set the system timer for a manual test of all sprinkler zones and make necessary adjustments.
  5. Inspect valve boxes for leaking or damaged valves.
  6. Adjust spray patterns and replace damaged sprinkler heads.
  7. Set the system timer for the first watering, preferably at night or early morning for water efficiency.

Following these steps will ensure a smooth and successful activation of your sprinkler system, allowing for a lush and well-irrigated lawn throughout the spring and summer seasons.

Testing and Inspecting the System

After you’ve turned on your sprinkler system, it’s important to test and inspect each zone to ensure everything is functioning properly. This will help identify any issues or malfunctions that need to be addressed before your lawn and garden can be properly watered.

To begin, set your system timer to run a manual test of all the sprinkler zones. This will activate each zone individually, allowing you to observe whether the sprinklers are working correctly and covering the desired areas. Take note of any zones that have low water pressure, broken sprinkler heads, or uneven spray patterns. This information will be helpful in making necessary adjustments and repairs.

Next, inspect each valve box in the ground. Open the boxes and check for leaking valves or any signs of damage. It’s essential to ensure that all the valves are closing properly and that there are no leaks that could cause water waste or damage to your property. Make any necessary adjustments, such as adjusting spray patterns or replacing damaged sprinkler heads, to ensure even water distribution and optimal coverage.

Once you’ve tested and inspected each zone and valve box, it’s time to set the system timer for the first watering. It is recommended to water at night or early in the morning for the most water efficiency. This will minimize evaporation and ensure that your lawn and plants receive adequate moisture without wasting water. Set the timer according to your region’s watering guidelines or specific plant requirements to promote healthy growth and conserve water.

Testing and Inspecting Tips:
Run a manual test of all sprinkler zones
Check for low water pressure, broken sprinkler heads, and uneven spray patterns
Inspect each valve box for leaking valves or damage
Make necessary adjustments for even water distribution
Set the system timer for the first watering

Setting the System Timer and Watering Schedule

Setting your system timer and establishing a watering schedule is crucial for maintaining a healthy and efficient lawn sprinkler system. By programming your system timer, you can automate the watering process and ensure that your lawn receives the right amount of water at the right time. This not only promotes lush, green grass but also conserves water, making your irrigation system more environmentally friendly.

To begin, consult your sprinkler system manual or contact a professional to understand how to program your specific timer model. Most timers have an intuitive interface that allows you to easily set the watering duration and frequency. Typically, you can choose between specific days of the week or intervals, such as every two or three days.

When determining the best watering schedule for your lawn, consider factors such as soil type, weather conditions, and the specific needs of your grass and plants. Aim to water deeply but infrequently to encourage strong root growth. Ideally, watering early in the morning or late at night is recommended, as it minimizes evaporation and allows the water to penetrate the soil effectively.

Watering Tips
1. Adjust the watering schedule based on the current weather. Increase frequency during hot and dry periods, and reduce it during cooler and rainy seasons.
2. Monitor your lawn for signs of over or underwatering. Look for wilting, discoloration, or excessive runoff, and make necessary adjustments to the timer settings.
3. Consider dividing your lawn into zones based on different watering needs, such as sunny and shady areas or different types of vegetation. This allows for targeted watering and prevents over or underwatering.

Remember, a well-maintained sprinkler system with a proper watering schedule will not only keep your lawn looking vibrant but also conserve water, saving you money on utility bills and benefiting the environment.


Setting your system timer and establishing a watering schedule is crucial for maintaining a healthy and efficient lawn sprinkler system. Program your timer to water at the optimal times for your lawn’s needs. Consider factors such as soil type and weather conditions when determining the watering duration and frequency. Divide your lawn into zones if necessary to water different areas appropriately. Adjust the watering schedule as needed based on weather conditions and lawn health. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your lawn receives the right amount of water at the right time, promoting its health and conserving water.


By following these simple steps, you can easily turn on your lawn sprinkler system and ensure your lawn stays green and vibrant throughout the spring and summer months.

First, locate the shutoff valve for your sprinkler system. This is usually a lever-type handle located in the basement or crawl space. If you can’t find it inside, check the sprinkler system valve boxes around your yard. Once you’ve located the shutoff valve, turn it on slowly to avoid any damage to the system.

Next, check the vacuum breaker fitting near your house. It should have two test valves that need to be turned about 45 degrees. Open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker, making sure the handles are parallel to the pipes. Take a moment to check for any leaks on the bleeder nipple, if there is one.

After that, slowly open the main shutoff valve to let water into the system. It’s important to do this gradually to prevent any sudden pressure surges. Once the water is flowing, set the system timer to run a manual test of all the sprinkler zones. Take note of any issues or areas that need adjustment.

Finally, inspect each valve box in the ground for leaking valves and make any necessary adjustments. This may include adjusting spray patterns or replacing damaged sprinkler heads. Set the system timer for the first watering, keeping in mind that watering at night or early in the morning is recommended for optimal water efficiency.

With these steps completed, you can now enjoy a lush and healthy lawn all season long. Regular maintenance and proper care of your sprinkler system will ensure that it continues to operate efficiently and effectively. So go ahead, turn on your sprinkler system with confidence and get ready to enjoy a beautiful and vibrant lawn!


Q: How do I turn on my lawn sprinkler system in the spring?

A: To turn on your lawn sprinkler system in the spring, start by locating the system’s shutoff valve, either in the basement or crawl space. If there is no shutoff valve inside, check the sprinkler system valve boxes around your yard. The vacuum breaker fitting near the house should have two test valves that need to be turned about 45 degrees. Open the shutoff valves on the vacuum breaker, ensuring the handles are parallel to the pipes. Slowly open the main shutoff valve to let water into the system.

Q: What should I check for after turning on my sprinkler system?

A: After turning on your sprinkler system, it is important to test each sprinkler zone by setting the system timer to run a manual test. Make note of any problems or issues that arise and inspect each valve box in the ground for leaking valves or other damage. Make any necessary adjustments, such as adjusting spray patterns or replacing damaged sprinkler heads.

Q: When should I water my lawn using the sprinkler system?

A: It is recommended to water your lawn at night or early in the morning for the most water efficiency. Setting your system timer for the first watering during these times will help ensure that your lawn receives the optimal amount of water without excessive evaporation.

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