How to Get Rid of Tall Fescue Grass? Say Goodbye to Tall Fescue

Are you struggling with how to get rid of tall fescue grass in your lawn? Look no further, as I have compiled a list of effective techniques to help you eradicate this pesky weed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Properly identify tall fescue grass before attempting any eradication methods.
  • Chemical treatment using a non-selective post-emergent herbicide can be an effective solution.
  • Recommended herbicide: Eraser 41% Glyphosate mixed with water for targeted application.
  • After applying the herbicide, remove the dead grass and reseed the area.
  • Maintain your lawn to prevent reinfestation by mowing at a higher height, dethatching, proper watering, and fertilization.

Identifying Tall Fescue Grass

Tall fescue is a dark green grassy weed with thick blades that spreads rapidly through seeds and stems. Identifying this grass accurately is the first step towards successful removal. So, how can you tell if you have tall fescue in your lawn?

One way to identify tall fescue is by examining its blades. Unlike other grasses, tall fescue has coarse and wide blades. Additionally, it forms clumps or tufts rather than spreading through runners like some other grasses. This distinct appearance makes it easier to spot among your lawn grass.

Another characteristic of tall fescue is its ability to withstand harsh conditions. It has a deep root system that allows it to survive in both dry and wet soil. If you notice patches of grass remaining healthy while the rest of your lawn withers, it could be due to the presence of tall fescue.

To confirm the presence of tall fescue, you can also conduct a seed head test. Tall fescue produces seed heads that resemble wheat or barley. If you spot these seed heads in your lawn during late spring or early summer, it is a clear indication of tall fescue grass.

Identifying Tall Fescue Grass
Distinct coarse and wide blades Forms clumps or tufts Withstands harsh conditions
Deep root system Produces wheat-like seed heads

Now that you can accurately identify tall fescue grass, you can proceed with the appropriate methods for its removal. In the next section, we will explore the best ways to eliminate tall fescue from your lawn.

Chemical Treatment for Tall Fescue Grass

Once you have confirmed that you have tall fescue grass in your lawn, it’s time to consider chemical treatment as a means of permanent removal. Tall fescue is a persistent weed that can quickly take over your lawn if left untreated. To effectively eradicate this grassy invader, using a non-selective post-emergent herbicide is often the most efficient solution.

Product Main Ingredient Application Method Effectiveness
Eraser 41% Glyphosate Glyphosate Dilute and spray Highly effective
Roundup Weed & Grass Killer Glyphosate Dilute and spray Highly effective
Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer Pelargonic acid Ready-to-use spray Effective

When using a herbicide, it is important to follow the instructions on the product label for proper application. This includes diluting the herbicide with water and using protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and long sleeves to avoid direct contact. Non-selective post-emergent herbicides like Eraser 41% Glyphosate and Roundup Weed & Grass Killer are effective in killing tall fescue. These herbicides work by being absorbed into the plant and killing it from within.

After applying the herbicide to the concentrated areas of tall fescue, you will notice a gradual browning and wilting of the grass. This is a sign that the herbicide is taking effect. Once the grass has died, it is important to remove and dispose of it properly to prevent reinfestation. You can do this by raking or using a lawn mower to collect the dead grass and then reseed the area to promote new, healthy grass growth.

To prevent the reinfestation of tall fescue grass, it is essential to implement proper lawn maintenance practices. This includes mowing your lawn at a higher height, as tall fescue thrives when cut short. Regularly dethatching your lawn helps remove any build-up that can create an ideal environment for tall fescue to grow. Additionally, deep and infrequent watering encourages root growth and discourages the growth of shallow-rooted tall fescue grass. Finally, following a proper fertilization schedule will ensure that your lawn remains healthy and less prone to weed invasion.

By combining chemical treatment with proper maintenance practices, you can successfully say goodbye to tall fescue grass and enjoy a beautiful, weed-free lawn.

Maintenance Practices for Preventing Reinfestation

Eradicating tall fescue from your lawn is just the first step. To prevent its return, it is crucial to establish a maintenance routine that includes various recommended practices.

Mowing Techniques: Say farewell to Tall Fescue with these methods

Maintaining the proper height when mowing your lawn is essential in preventing the reinfestation of tall fescue. Set your mower blade to a higher setting, around 3-4 inches, to ensure that the grass shades out any potential tall fescue seeds and prevents them from germinating. Regular mowing will also help maintain a thick and healthy lawn, making it more difficult for tall fescue to invade.

Dethatching: Tall Fescue eradication strategies

Thatch is the layer of dead grass, roots, and debris that accumulates on the surface of your lawn. Excessive thatch can create an environment that promotes the growth of tall fescue. To prevent this, regularly dethatch your lawn using a rake or a dethatching machine. This will help remove the thatch layer and promote healthy grass growth, reducing the chances of tall fescue taking hold.

Watering: Say farewell to Tall Fescue with these methods

Proper watering practices are crucial for preventing the reinfestation of tall fescue. Water deeply but infrequently, aiming for 1-1.5 inches of water per week. This encourages the development of deep roots in your grass, making it more resistant to tall fescue invasion. Avoid frequent shallow watering, as this can promote the growth of shallow-rooted and weaker grass, creating an ideal environment for tall fescue to thrive.

Fertilization: Tall Fescue eradication strategies

Regular fertilization is important to keep your lawn healthy and resilient against tall fescue. Apply a balanced fertilizer according to your lawn’s needs, following the recommended schedule. A well-fed lawn will grow vigorously, leaving little room for tall fescue to establish itself. However, be cautious not to over-fertilize, as excessive nitrogen can actually promote the growth of tall fescue.

Prevention Practices Benefits
Mowing at a higher height Shades out tall fescue seeds and promotes a thick, healthy lawn
Dethatching regularly Removes thatch layer, preventing tall fescue growth
Watering deeply but infrequently Encourages deep root growth in the grass, reducing tall fescue invasion
Following a proper fertilization schedule Ensures the lawn is adequately nourished, inhibiting tall fescue development


By following the strategies and techniques outlined in this article, you can effectively eliminate tall fescue grass from your lawn and enjoy a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing landscape.

To get rid of tall fescue in your lawn, it is important to first properly identify the plant and confirm that it is tall fescue. Tall fescue is a dark green grassy weed with thick blades that spreads quickly via seeds and stems.

Once confirmed, you can move on to chemical treatment using a non-selective post-emergent product such as Eraser 41% Glyphosate. This herbicide should be mixed with water and applied to the concentrated areas of tall fescue. It is important to protect your skin and eyes when handling the herbicide.

After applying the herbicide, the grass will die and will need to be removed and reseeded. To prevent reinfestation, mow your lawn at a higher height, rake and dethatch the lawn, water deeply but infrequently, and follow a proper fertilization schedule.

By following these methods and implementing proper maintenance practices, you can say goodbye to tall fescue grass and enjoy a lush, weed-free lawn. Take the necessary steps to eliminate tall fescue and create a beautiful outdoor space that you can be proud of.


How do I identify tall fescue grass?

Tall fescue grass can be identified by its dark green color and thick blades. It spreads quickly through seeds and stems.

What is the best chemical treatment for tall fescue grass?

A non-selective post-emergent herbicide like Eraser 41% Glyphosate can be effective in treating tall fescue grass. Mix it with water and apply it to the affected areas.

How do I prevent reinfestation of tall fescue grass?

To prevent tall fescue from coming back, mow your lawn at a higher height, rake and dethatch regularly, water deeply but infrequently, and follow a proper fertilization schedule.

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